Blog #6

While reading “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott, I have to admit that it made me laugh. I could definitely relate to her feelings of never getting something perfect the first time. When I wrote my first draft, all I did was let my thoughts flow as I typed and continued typing until I couldn’t think of what else I wanted to put. I knew that I didn’t nearly have enough written at first but to me, it was at least a decent start and it can always get better. The only thing that surprised me about Lamott’s essay was how laid back she was when explaining her process of her writing. In complete honesty, nothing she wrote offended me. I found it hilarious and relateable, especially the bit where she mentioned how her priest friend told her that the version of God she created just happens to be a version that hates all the same people as her, “Although when I mentioned this to my priest friend Tom, he said you can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do”(Lamott).

My Revision Plan:

  1. My goal is to do well on this paper and get a good grade because I don’t need to fail
  2. The steps I’ll be taking to accomplish these goals is to go through at least another draft and make all the necessary changes to get my claim across
  3. My biggest challenge will always be staying on task because it’s hard to write more when you don’t know what else you need after you’ve added everything that was suggested
  4. No problem is impossible to solve. I’ll continue to go back and reread my essay and once I like it, I believe it’ll finally be finished.

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