Learning Outcome 4

Peer reviewing easily helped me understand that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t understand particular articles fully. Using peer review sessions to not only review others’ papers, but talking about issues or just asking questions about my own really helped me to understand if I knew where my paper was going or if I needed to scrap it and start again. Peer reviews allowed for a calm talking session about any questions we had about the prompt or even just questions about how others were starting out/ending their essays. By the last peer review session, I knew what was expected. I had questions ready about my own paper but also about my peers. Our groups automatically knew what to do and how to talk about/react to others’ papers.

Here’s an example of an annotated peer review https://docs.google.com/document/d/107eKGKA283SgvBx5MlUbI0hBJPh-eEi-GX-ik9k_sBo/edit?usp=sharing

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