Blog #17

Intro paragraph to essay 3

Art takes on many forms, it all depends on what you think of when you hear the term “art”. Music, painting, drawing, dance and models are all forms of art. Whether you think of physical or demonstrated or even non visual forms, art is a way of expression. People have used art for centuries to express many things, whether it was to depict a battle a ruler, or even models of technology. Wherever you look, art has made some kind of impact. Yo-Yo Ma writes about the impact of the musical form of art in his essay, “Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education”. Ma is a renowned cellist who envelopes the idea of the true impact of art in the education world. On a bit of a different scale, Jonah Lehrer discusses the usage of art within the scientific fields like neurology and physics in his essay, “The Future of Science…Is Art?”. Lehrer reaches interesting points as in what the impact of art is on the scientific community. I chose to challenge the idea of art in its impacts on part of the mental health aspect, similar to Ma, but focus on the specific effects art has on anxiety. In “Anxiety and Art in the Public Eye” by Amanda Chambala MA, Chambala explains the impacts of art therapy on anxiety patients and how it works to allow them to express their nerves. While art may help to discover new emotional connections in mental health, science is often the only way to directly understand what is happening in one’s mind. With that said, art may be the connecting element to mental health and the science behind our minds.

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